
Promoting Mental Health Awareness

PROMOTING MENTAL HEALTH AWARENESS  Promoting mental health awareness is more than a choice, it's a collective responsibility.  By fostering understanding and compassion, we can create a supportive environment for mental well-being.This blog post will delve into practical ways to promote mental health awareness, highlighting that each of us can contribute to building a more empathetic and mentally healthy community. Were you aware that mental health challenges affect millions each year? Join us in examining the critical statistics surrounding mental health issues and uncovering practical ways to promote awareness, reduce stigma, and provide support.  WHERE CAN MENTAL ILLNESS HAPPENED? Mental health issues affect all ages, occurring at home, school, university, and the workplace.   1. HOME Home environments influence mental health from negative childhood experiences can have lasting effects into adulthood. 2. SCHOOL Mental disorders can stem from academic stres...

Sometimes the best company during a meal is yourself

Dining alone is a chance to enjoy your own company . Plus, we get to “people watch”.   That is the best part!  

Jelly Fish??

The day I tried Jelly Fish for the first time... It felt weird,  But tasted familiar, It had weird textures, But somewhat felt accustomed. The taste, maybe because of the seasoning, It tasted like our Malay kerabu. Anyway, I got a second plate afterwards! 😜 Kudos to my sis, Sha who keep asking me to try it. 💓
                                                             Picture Credit : Google images That is how I feel right now. Hollow. Empty. Lost All this negativity. It is consuming. Wounding. But why? I’m not sure. I just don’t know. It just felt hollow. I feel like going for a long sleep. Where everything will seem fine Where sky is no limit I can glide to the deepest mountain Soar towards the infinite sky Swim to the deepest ocean Where there is joy. Happiness. Love. All the positivity. What is it that I need? say you. I need to get away. Leave. Heal. How? Say you. Love. Support. Hope. That will keep any man on earth to keep going. Living. -Sara_Whitesnake- 01 st June 2017
Tea time~~ People watching during tea time is always fun!


“ Apabila malam-malam sudah terasa sepi berbanding malam-malam sebelumnya, Apabila hangat persahabatan tidak lagi cukup bagi mencurah rasa hati, Apabila hati mendambakan pelindung dan pemberi motivasi pada saat diri ini lemah, Apabila hati cenderung dan berasa tenteram disisi berlainan jenisnya, Apakah yang dicari selain pernikahan?? ” Kata-kata nie dihantar oleh seorang sahabat yang sgt-sgt saya sayang… Kata-kata nie amat terkesan dihati saya..   Benar sekali yang dikatakan nya… perkongsian yang sangat bermakna bagi saya….   So, saya kongsi dgn korang semua.. harap dpt juga dimanfaatkan......

Menetapkan Matlamat.....

Assalamualaikum w.b.t.. Hari nie saya nak menulis pasal M.A.T.L.A.M.A.T…  kenapa saya pilih topic matlamat??? Al-kisahnya, masa balik cuti pertengahan semester baru-baru nie, tengah belek-belek almari buku terjumpa pulak buku modul pembinaan karakter masa di PLKN dulu… Selak punya selak, terjumpa topic nie, menetapkan matlamat… Saya pasti ramai diantara kita yang selalunya matlamatnya banyak, nak buat itu, nak buat ini, tapi semua tak menjadi… So entry hari nie, saya nak kongsi pengalaman dan pengetahuan yang saya berlajar dulu dalam menetapkan matlamat semasa di PLKN… Jadi, dalam menetapkan matlamat, kita bukan saja-saja boleh cakap mulut, tapi  jugak perlukan komitmen yang tinggi dalam menjalankan matlamat kita… Tentunya akan ada perlbagai rintangan dan juga halangan dalam kita mencapai matlamat yang telah kita tetapkan.. Ada beberapa langkah penting yang perlu kita buat semasa menetapkan matlamat yang ingin kita capai…         Tulis/catatkan matlamat...